Gage Roads
We created a film that lived and breathed the adventurous spirit of the Gage Roads Side Track All Day XPA.
WA local and all-round waterman, Shanan Worrall took East Coast hard-charging bodyboarder, Shane Ackerman under his West Coast wing for a day to show off all the microadventures on offer in this spectacular part of the world. Even though waves were minimal there was no shortage of thrills!
4WDing into the beach was just the beginning! The pair packed their day with fishing, diving for crays, jet skiing, and topped it all off with a coupla Side Track All Day XPAs from Gage Roads while kicking back at the campground.
Is there anything better than a sunny day on the coast with mates and the promise of a cool, crisp Gage Roads brew come sunset? Doubt it.